Call for Papers 13th Aviation Student Research Workshop


Crises in Aviation, Expansion and Evolution of Low Cost Carriers, Slots, Airport and Airway Congestion, Sustainability, Liberalization and Privatisation… The list of hot topics in aviation is long and is attracting a growing number of students whose primary research interest is in aviation. Often these researchers lack contact with other students in their field of research. G.A.R.S. invites all Bachelor, Master, Diploma or PhD students to present their work in the second workshop on research in aviation. The research seminar is open to all topics in the field of aviation economics and management.

This year’s workshop will be take place in Bremen at the City University of Applied Sciences. For junior researchers, not wishing to make a presentation, there is the option to participate in a poster session.

For more information on the requirements for papers and posters, please download the call for papers or call for posters below.

Category: past activities