Ulrike Kluge / Understanding intermodal passengers

Name: Ulrike Kluge        
Organization: Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V.            
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Spinler & Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ringbeck
Email address: ulrike.kluge(at)bauhaus-luftfahrt.net
Expected date of completion: 2020

Abstract of thesis:

(Air) transport passengers are an essential stakeholder in the mobility industry since they generate the demand for transport products and services. Research and the overall mobility sector start to broaden their scope beyond looking only at one mode but integrating the entire travel chain door-to-door (D2D), considering all modes and taking railway, busses, private vehicles, air travel but also cutting-edge mobility concepts such as car sharing or personal air vehicles, into consideration. Focusing on the customer demand side, this dissertation project offers a unique, intermodal perspective on the understanding of passengers and passenger groups. The analysis is based on an in-depth literature review of passenger studies, causal loop mapping of transport demand drivers, a market segmentation of current and future passengers as well as on expert interviews with different stakeholders within the European mobility sector. Results will be the classification of (current and future) intermodal D2D passenger groups, bridging all modes and incorporate both, an academic and practical point of view.

 phd  > phd database  > intermodal transport