Prof Dr Hans-Martin Niemeier

Hans-Martin Niemeier is a Director of the Institute for Transport and Development at Bremen University of Applied Sciences. He is Chairman of the German Aviation Research Society (GARS), managing member of the Advisory Board of the European Aviation Conference and Chair of the COST Action “Air Transport and Regional Development” (ATARD). He lead the research projects “German Airport Performance” and “German Aviation Benchmarking” and conducted the studies “Airport benchmarking by economic regulators”, “Market power of a Amsterdam airport” for the Netherlands Competition Authority and “Comparative study (benchmarking) of the efficiency of Avinor´s airport operations” for the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communication. For the last three years he has been member of the Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky.
email: Hans-Martin.Niemeier(at)
School of International Business
City University of Applied Sciences
Werderstr. 73
28199 Bremen / Germany