Past activities

  30.09.2008 ETS and/or ticket tax

Airneth seminar about the Emission Trading System and the Ticket-tax of the Dutch government (in Dutch).>>

  26.03.2008 Lunch seminar 'Security on airports'

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee will give a presentation on security on airports (in Dutch).>>

  20.03.2008 Selectivity at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Workshop on selectivity policy at mainport Schiphol (by personal invitation only).>>

  17.03.2008 2nd Airneth Annual Conference: EU-US Open Skies

What are the consequences of the EU-US Open Sky Agreement? >>

  13.02.2008 Lunch seminar 'Single European Sky'

Dr. Niels van Antwerpen presents his dissertation 'Cross-border provision of air navigation services with specific reference to Europe: safeguarding transparent lines of responsibility and liability' (in Dutch).>>

  21.11.2007 Clustering of distribution centers around Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Dr. Pim Warffemius presents the findings of his PhD research in this lunch seminar (in Dutch).>>

  24.10.2007 International seminar on the future of ICAO

Airneth organizes a private seminar on the role of ICAO in the worldwide air transport regime.>>

  18.09.2007 The future of long-haul low-cost

Airneth organised a seminar on Tuesday 18 September 2007 concerning the feasibility and future of this new low-cost business model>>

  19.06.2007 Leven van de lucht?

An Airneth seminar (in Dutch) about the economic impact of airports.>>

  12.04.2007 1st Airneth Annual Conference: Optimal use of scarce airport capacity

If shortages in airport capacity are here to stay, how can we use existing and future airport capacities most efficiently and effectively?>>

  15.03.2007 Concentration in the airline industry

Presentation by Mr. Goeteyn entitled 'Concentration in the airline industry: causes, consequences and merger control'.>>

  01.02.2007 Lunch seminar 'Policy annoyance'

Dr. Christian Bröer presents his thesis 'Policy Annoyance - How policy discourses shape the experience of aircraft sound'.>>

  18.01.2007 Brown Bag Meeting: Air Traffic Control Commercialization

Glen McDougall, President of MBS Ottawa in Canada and Senior Fellow at George Mason University, will present the results of a new study that compared the performance of ten commercial Air Navigation Service Providers. >>

  23.11.2006 The impact of ageing on aviation

Older air travellers have different travel characteristics than younger people. Airneth addresses the implications of ageing for air transport in an international seminar.>>

  11.07.2006 Brown Bag Meeting about Demand Management with Prof Odoni

Demand management (or access control) refers to any set of regulations or other measures aimed at constraining the demand for access to a busy airfield and/or at modifying the temporal characteristics of such demand>>

  27.04.2006 Masterclass Airport Planning by prof. dr. Richard de Neufville

In this masterclass, prof. dr. de Neufville will address the concept of multi-airport systems in metropolitan areas as well as the problems, dynamics and risks associated with it.>>

  07.04.2006 The impact of the expansion of Dubai International Airport and Emirates on international airline competition

With the expansion plans of both Dubai International Airport and its home carrier Emirates, Dubai is likely to become a strong hub airport with global reach. Substantial impacts on airline competition can be expected.>>

  16.03.2006 Mainport Schiphol debate

A debate on mainport Schiphol>>

  13.01.2006 The challenges of high-priced oil for aviation

Aviation is completely dependent upon petroleum as its fuel source.>>

  24.11.2005 Official launch of Airneth

Airneth officially opened on Thursday 24 November at the Okura Hotel in Amsterdam.>>

  28.10.2005 Network strategies of multi-hub airlines

What are the consequences for policy making with regard to the development of Schiphol and Paris as primary hub airports in the network of Air France-KLM?>>

Upcoming activities

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