Past activities

  14.02.2012 Verdiepingscollege netwerkkwaliteit

Docent en Airneth directeur Guillaume Burghouwt geeft een verdiepingscollege netwerkkwaliteit voor de directie Luchtvaart.>>

  12.01.2012 Revision of the EC slot regulation

Airneth seminar on the "Airport Package", in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis.>>

  09.12.2011 Competition, Concentration and Consolidation

The European Aviation Club, in cooperation with Airneth, organizes a seminar on Competition, Concentration and Consolidation in the Airline Industry.>>

  08.12.2011 Alliances and global competition

This Airneth seminar will give an overview of the benefits and costs of airline consolidation. Key-note speaker is independent aviation consultant Mr. Hubert Horan.>>

  01.11.2011 PhD graduates seminar

At this Airneth seminar, seven PhD graduates will elaborate their work with the focus on government policy.>>

  14.04.2011 5th Airneth Annual Conference: Consolidation and new business models in the air transport industry

The fifth Airneth Annual Conference addresses the consolidation trend in the air transport industry and the rise of new airline business models.>>

  05.04.2011 Excellence in accommodating aviation growth and hub development

Airneth and IFFAAD (India Chapter) cordially invite you for the seminar ‘Excellence in accommodating aviation growth and hub development: experiences from the Netherlands and India’.>>

  03.03.2011 3rd Airneth Annual Lecture by Peter Hartman

The challenging future of the airline industry>>

  10.02.2011 Onzekerheid in luchthavenplanning en -ontwikkeling

Ir. Jan Kwakkel, postdoc researcher aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, zal een presentatie geven over zijn proefschrift waarin hij onderzoekt hoe de onzekerheid in luchthavenplanning en -ontwikkeling verbeterd kan worden.>>

  19.01.2011 Discussiebijeenkomst Luchtvaartnota

Een vijftal wetenschappers zal de Luchtvaartnota op prikkelende en uitdagende wijze aan de orde stellen en hierover in discussie gaan met de betrokken beleidsmakers.>>

  14.10.2010 Videoconferencing, changing behaviour of business travellers and its effects on the aviation market

What are the main trends in the behaviour of the business traveller and to what extent is videoconferencing a substitute for business air travel?>>

  05.10.2010 Developments in the N-E Asian air transport market and its impact on Incheon International Airport

Lunch seminar gepresenteerd door dr. SangYong Lee over de recente ontwikkelingen op de Noord-Aziatische luchtvaartmarkt en de impact daarvan op Incheon Airport.>>

  15.04.2010 4th Airneth Annual Conference: Air transport in PR China and in India

The central theme at the fourth Airneth Annual Conference will be an analysis of the air transport industry in upcoming markets. >>

  15.01.2010 2nd Airneth Annual Lecture by William Swan

Airline network evolution and the role of aircraft technology>>

  10.12.2009 The future of oil in the aviation industry

Airneth organizes a seminar at 10 December 2009, where demand and supply for oil are addressed and the implications for aviation are sketched.>>

  20.11.2009 Intercontinental flights and the location of headquarters

Airneth organizes a lunch seminar with Dr. Xavier Fageda to discuss the influence direct non-stop long-haul flights have on the location of large firms’ headquarters in European urban areas. >>

  12.11.2009 The road to Copenhagen: Climate change and aviation

In December 2009 governments will meet in Copenhagen to agree on further policies to address climate change. There are several initiatives to integrate CO2-emissions from aviation in these agreements.>>

  22.09.2009 The economic crisis and the impact on the network quality of hub airports

Airneth organizes a meeting to disentangle the relationship between network quality and the economic crisis as well as to identify the most promising policy options to maintain network quality.>>

  16.04.2009 3rd Airneth Annual Conference: Innovation in the air transport industry in times of recession

In this conference, we will survey the challenges in the airline industry and the role innovations will play in shaping the future air transport industry.>>

  01.04.2009 Alignment of interdependent business processes of a main carrier airline and a hub airport

Airneth lunch seminar by prof. Sicco Santema (in Dutch).>>

  11.03.2009 1st Airneth Annual Lecture by Michael Levine

Airline Consolidation: How will it reshape the industry? What does it mean for Europe?>>

  11.03.2009 Long-term plans in times of crisis

Airneth workshop with Michael Levine.>>

  29.01.2009 Concurrentiepositie van luchtvracht op Schiphol: de verwevenheid van luchtvrachtoperaties

Het doel van deze bijeenkomst is de verwevenheid van vrachtoperaties op Schiphol in kaart te brengen tegen de achtergrond van de mondiale luchtvrachtontwikkeling. >>

  13.11.2008 Toepassing van de OEI-leidraad in de luchtvaart

Op 13 november zal Carl Koopmans, directeur van het Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid, een Airneth lunchseminar verzorgen over de Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse.>>

  04.11.2008 ICAO: the innovator or the laggard?

As a follow up of our seminar last year about the future of ICAO, Airneth organizes a seminar on ICAO’s challenges in a changing environment (in Dutch).>>

Upcoming activities
